

英 [bɪˈlɒŋ]
美 [bɪˈlɔŋ]


  • vi.


  • 变形



    1. vi. 应被放在,应归入 be in the right place or situation
    2. vi. 属于; 是…的成员 be the property of sb; be a member of
    3. vi. 适应,合得来 be suitable


    belong[ bi'lɔŋ ]

    • v.
      • be owned by; be in the possession of

        "This book belongs to me"

      • originate (in)

        同义词:dwellconsistlielie in

      • be suitable or acceptable

        "This student somehow doesn't belong"

      • be in the right place or situation

        "Where do these books belong?"; "Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government"


      • be classified with

        "The whales belong among the mammals"



    用作动词 (v.)
    • belong anywhere不论在哪里住宿
    • belong here住在这儿
    • belong out-of-doors惯于过户外生活
    • belong equally共有
    • belong exclusively独具匠心
    • belong indefinitely不确定属于…
    • belong indisputably无可辩驳地属于
    • belong infinitely极其适合
    • belong legally法律上属于
    • belong notoriously臭名远扬
    • belong permanently长久地属于
    • belong perpetually永久地属于
    • belong properly恰好属于
    • belong remotely稍微适合
    • belong rightly理所当然地属于
    • belong tacitly暗中拥有
    • belong temporarily暂时属于
    • belong together同属
    • belong among the best films属于最优秀的影片
    • belong among the great contributors属于作出贡献的人
    • belong among the novelists属于小说家
    • belong among the writers属于作家
    • belong among these people与这些人同属一派
    • belong in every home每个家庭都需要
    • belong in footnotes适宜用在脚注里
    • belong in main text适宜用在正文中
    • belong in modern dictionaries辞书里应有
    • belong in parenthetical references适宜用在括号中
    • belong in teaching适宜从事教学
    • belong in the box应放在盒子里
    • belong in the category应归入这类
    • belong in the city适宜在城市
    • belong in the classification应归入这类
    • belong in the corner放在角落里
    • belong in the country适宜在乡间
    • belong in the cupboard放在碗橱里
    • belong in the drawer放在抽屉里
    • belong in the living room放在居室里
    • belong in the place适合这个位置
    • belong in this block住在这条街区
    • belong in writing适宜从事写作
    • belong on the shelf应放在架子上
    • belong on the train应在火车上当乘务员
    • belong to Beijing是北京人
    • belong to sb to decide由某人决定
    • belong to sb's personality属于某人的个性
    • belong to the cat family属猫科动物
    • belong to the century属于这个世纪
    • belong to the club是俱乐部成员
    • belong to the democratic revolution属于民主革命
    • belong to the domain属于这个范畴
    • belong to the genus Narcissus属于水仙属植物
    • belong to the Girl Scouts是女童子军
    • belong to the Government属于政府
    • belong to the Han nationality属于汉族
    • belong to the Labour Party是工党党员
    • belong to the large group属于这一大类
    • belong to the mammals属于哺乳动物
    • belong to the meeting与这会议有关
    • belong to the militia是民兵
    • belong to the most persevering属于最有毅力的人
    • belong to the people属于人民
    • belong to the period属于这个时期
    • belong to the third world属于第三世界
    • belong to the trade union是工会会员
    • belong to the vessel属于这条船上的
    • belong to the wealthy class属于富有阶级
    • belong to the younger generation属于年轻一代
    • belong to the youth属于年轻人
    • belong to this bottle配这个瓶子
    • belong to this discussion属于这次讨论范围
    • belong to two parts of speech属于两个词类
    • belong under the general heading of employment reorganization属于就业改革这一总标题
    • belong under the head of office expenses应归入另一类目
    • belong under the sink应放在洗碗池下面
    • belong under the trees应放在树下
    • belong with music与音乐相近
    • belong with salad和色拉相配
    • belong with the coat与这件外套相配
    • belong with the dictionaries和词典放在一起
    • belong with the quotation属于引号
    • belong with the relative pronoun属于关系代词
    • belong with the rest of the tools和其他工具放在一起
    • belong with the shoe与这只鞋相配


    belong in v. 应归入


    1. The daffodil belongs to the genus Narcissus.
    2. Those documents belong with the sale report.
    3. These boots belong in the closet.
    4. The sentences should belong in a different classification.
    5. What party do you belong to?
    6. That dictionary belongs to me.
    7. You and I belong to different political camps.
    8. All these houses belong to the people's commune.


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